All of us occasionally have an irresistible urge for a certain food or beverage. But merely having a sudden need for a particular food does not constitute a true craving, nor does indulging in an occasional chocolate, ice-cream or other favorite food. A craving goes much deeper-it’s an insistent desire that an individual can’t ignore, even though satisfying it may entail considerable inconvenience or even danger. Recent researches suggest that hormonal changes are responsible for many food cravings, especially those that develops during periods of stress, pregnancy or different periods of woman’s menstural cycle. Eating a diet high in whole grain, starchy foods along with moderate amount of protein may prevent the craving for sweets because these complex carbohydrates and protein are metabolized more slowly than sugars, thus providing a steady supply of glucose. Eating small frequent meals is how to avert hunger and the subsequent strong cravings that can lead to overeating.